We are Haydee Salomon and Carlos Medellín
Blue Diamond / Mexico
We create the unbelievable, we achieve the impossible.
Our life before b:hip
A few years ago, we were trapped in an economic crisis with debts that seemed impossible to overcome. I was working as a front desk manager at a hotel in Cancun and my wife Haydee was a cashier at the restaurant.
To generate extra income, we sold clothes to our co-workers, prayed with faith, and searched tirelessly for a solution.
Life had an unexpected surprise for us. After years of not seeing each other, a cousin contacted us to tell us about a job opportunity that would change our life for many years to come.
We were invited to attend a conference, where we heard for the first time in our lives that there were other ways to make money. We learned about an opportunity to build a business that would generate a significant income.
“For your life to change, you have to change”. “For things to get better, you have to be better”.
When we listened to these quotes, we changed our way of looking at reality. That is how we decided to quit our jobs and dive into the world of a multilevel company for the first time.
At that time, we confirmed that the model worked, we overcame our debts, we started to live very well, and we gained 18 years of business experience. But as time went by, we noticed that the structure of the company and its mission had changed. It no longer made sense for us, so we decided to quit.
Starting our business journey at b:hip
But the story doesn’t end here. We wanted to find a new purpose for our lives – and that’s when we learned about b:hip and started a new chapter. We were captivated by the vision of b:hip and its motto “Helping Impact People”. This motto resonated in our hearts, motivating us to change lives and give a new purpose to ours!
Unique marketing strategy of b:hip
Mainly, we noticed a big difference in the marketing and communication strategy used. It was the next step in the distribution business adapted to the current trends, something very different from what we knew and the way we worked before.
The strategy of b:hip led us to open markets almost simultaneously in several countries, being pioneers in LATAM. From the USA to Colombia in 2007, then to Mexico in 2009, expanding to Peru in 2011, Spain in 2016, and finally to Chile in 2023.
And we continue to plan our expansion to keep on positively impacting people’s lives through the innovative platform. Today, we lead an organization of 120,000 people in all these countries combined.
This incredible journey proves that sometimes it takes risky decisions to achieve bigger dreams!
Transcription of video
We are Haydee and Carlos Medellin. Today, we will share with you the leadership we have been able to apply, learn and develop in our business within b:hip global. This leadership allowed us to have the Diamond rank we have today. We really see leadership as detecting needs, serving people, loving people, at the same time, helping people connect with the capacity they have to be the best version of themselves. We always state that we have the plan to “ruin” your current life, so that you can build the life you deserve, and that’s how we’ve been impacting one person at a time, one family at a time across different countries and this is just the beginning.
We have spent our career in leadership and in different skills that you should have as a true leader. First of all, you have to influence people. You have to be influential to others. You need to have character. Your character will always define you as a person and as a leader. You also need to be a great team builder. The more teams you build, the greater your leadership is going to be and you also need to be self-motivated. You have to stay motivated all the time and you need to have the intelligence to respond. In any situation, you have to be smart enough to respond and have that ability to move forward.
We are totally convinced that the leader sets the pace, that the leader sets the example. We will never ask and we have never asked anyone in our organization to do something that we haven’t done, that we’re not willing to do first. So, if you are looking for a home where you can develop your full potential, welcome to b:hip global!